HEIC to JPG Converter

Transform your HEIC images to widely compatible JPG format effortlessly. Our online tool ensures fast and high-quality conversion without the need for software installation.

Main Highlights

Batch Conversion

Convert multiple HEIC files to JPG in one go, saving time and effort.

Quality Control

Adjust JPG quality to balance file size and image quality as needed.

Drag and Drop

Effortlessly upload files by dragging and dropping them into the conversion area.

Device Compatibility

Convert HEIC files from iPhones and iPads for use on all devices and platforms.


All conversions happen in your browser, ensuring your images remain private.

Instant Download

Get your converted JPG files immediately after processing.

Usage Instructions

  1. 1

    Drag and drop your HEIC files into the conversion area or click to select files

  2. 2

    Adjust the JPG quality setting if desired (default is optimized for best quality-to-size ratio)

  3. 3

    Click the 'Convert' button to start the process

  4. 4

    Wait for the conversion to complete (usually just a few seconds)

  5. 5

    Download your converted JPG files individually or as a zip archive

  6. 6

    Use your new JPG images anywhere you need broader compatibility

Expert Advice

Optimal Quality

For most uses, the default quality setting provides an excellent balance. Only lower it if you need smaller file sizes.

Organize First

Group your HEIC files into folders before conversion for easier management of the output JPGs.

Check Dimensions

Our tool maintains original image dimensions. If you need resizing, use an image editor post-conversion.

Sharing Made Easy

Convert HEIC to JPG before sharing to ensure recipients can view your images without issues.

Application Scenarios

  • Convert iPhone photos for use in digital photo frames
  • Prepare HEIC images for uploading to websites that don't support the format
  • Create JPG versions of HEIC files for editing in older photo editing software
  • Convert HEIC images for printing services that require JPG format
  • Prepare photos for sharing on social media platforms that don't support HEIC


What is HEIC format?

HEIC (High Efficiency Image Format) is Apple's version of the HEIF (High Efficiency Image Format) standard. It offers better compression than JPG while maintaining higher image quality, but it's not as widely supported.

Why can't I open HEIC files on some devices?

HEIC is a relatively new format primarily used by Apple devices. Many older devices and some non-Apple platforms don't natively support HEIC, which is why converting to JPG is often necessary for broader compatibility.

Will I lose image quality when converting from HEIC to JPG?

There might be a slight loss in quality due to JPG's compression, but it's usually negligible. Our tool aims to maintain the highest possible quality while ensuring compatibility.

Is it safe to upload my photos to this tool?

Absolutely! Our HEIC to JPG converter processes your images entirely in your browser. Your files are never uploaded to our servers, ensuring complete privacy and security.

How long does the conversion take?

The conversion time depends on the number and size of your files, as well as your device's processing power. Generally, it takes just a few seconds per image.

Can I convert multiple HEIC files at once?

Yes! Our tool supports batch conversion, allowing you to convert multiple HEIC files to JPG simultaneously, saving you time and effort.

Can I adjust the quality of the output JPG files?

Certainly! You can adjust the quality setting before conversion. A higher setting will result in better image quality but larger file sizes, while a lower setting will produce smaller files with some loss in quality.

Can I convert JPG back to HEIC?

Our tool is designed for HEIC to JPG conversion only. Converting JPG to HEIC isn't typically necessary and isn't supported by this tool.

How It Functions?

Our HEIC to JPG converter is designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind, making it a breeze for anyone to use, regardless of their technical expertise. Let's dive into how this magical process works behind the scenes!

When you upload your HEIC files, our tool leverages powerful, browser-based image processing libraries. These libraries are capable of reading the HEIC format, which is essentially a container for HEVC-encoded images. The beauty of this approach is that all processing happens right in your browser, ensuring your images never leave your device - a big win for privacy!

Once your HEIC files are loaded, our converter goes to work. It decodes the HEIC data, extracting all the image information including color profiles, metadata, and the image itself. This step is crucial as it preserves as much of the original image data as possible.

Next comes the conversion to JPG. The tool takes the decoded image data and re-encodes it into the JPG format. During this process, you have the option to adjust the quality setting. This setting determines the level of compression applied to the JPG. A higher quality setting will result in a larger file size but will preserve more detail from the original HEIC file.

One of the challenges in this conversion is handling the color information. HEIC files often contain more color data than JPG can represent. Our converter uses advanced color mapping techniques to ensure that the colors in your converted JPG look as close as possible to the original HEIC, even with JPG's more limited color space.

Metadata handling is another important aspect. Things like EXIF data, which includes information about when and how the photo was taken, are extracted from the HEIC file and, where possible, embedded into the new JPG. This ensures you don't lose valuable information about your photos during conversion.

After the conversion is complete, the tool packages up your new JPG files and makes them available for download. If you've converted multiple files, we offer the option to download them all as a convenient zip archive.

What makes our converter stand out is its speed and efficiency. By performing all these complex operations right in your browser, we eliminate the need for server-side processing. This means faster conversions for you and the peace of mind that comes with knowing your images never leave your device.

We've also put a lot of effort into making the user interface intuitive and responsive. Whether you're on a desktop computer or a mobile device, you'll find the conversion process smooth and straightforward.

In essence, our HEIC to JPG converter is like a mini photo lab running in your browser. It takes your HEIC photos, carefully processes them to maintain as much quality and information as possible, and delivers JPG files that you can use anywhere. It's a perfect blend of sophisticated image processing technology and user-friendly design, all aimed at making your life easier when dealing with HEIC files.